Community of
Grounded Organisations
Shifting towards climate-just mobility

NGOs and Businesses
UK Youth Climate Coalition (UKYCC)
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- UKYCC will not endorse funding or flying anywhere for fewer than 5 days.
- The flights must be for the minimum amount of people possible, for the longest amount of time possible.
- Consensus must be reached within UKYCC for every occasion where long distance flights will be funded.
Contact person: hello@ukycc.org
Website: https://www.ukycc.com
Country: United Kingdom
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 6
Global 2000
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below 8 hours
- Journeys of less than eight hours are to be made by train or bus. Exceptions must be justified and approved by the team leader.
- Journeys over eight hours should also be made by train or bus. However, the decision is up to the individual employee together with his/her team leader or direct supervisor.
Website: http://www.global2000.at
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 60
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
Measures that will be implemented
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
Website: https://www.suedwind.at
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 50
Stockholm Environment Institute
Type of organisation: Research facility
Implemented measures
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Air travel emission reduction goals: Our organisation aims to reduce GHG emissions from air travel by 25% compared to 2017 levels, by 2024
- We have developed a prototype travel tracker to make it easier for colleagues to reflect on and reduce their emissions from air travel.
Measures that will be implemented
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
Considered measures
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
Website: http://www.sei.org
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 250
cBalance Solutions Hub
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
- Air travel emission reduction goals
At cBalance, we encourage train travel as its a core value of the organization to practice sustainability as we evangelise it. It’s never about money and there have been times when we’ve paid more to travel by train. Its purely related to carbon emissions of unsustainable transport.
Contact person: Vivek Gilani; vivek@cBalance.in
Website: http://cbalance.in/
Country: India
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 13
vegan4future e.V.
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Air travel emission reduction goals
- Air travel within Europe is prohibited and will not be covered by the organisation. Air travel worldwide will be cancelled at the next General Assembly.
Measures that will be implemented by Nov. 21
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
See their current Travel Policy here (in German, will be changed in Nov. 21).
Contact Person: Holger Pangritz; holger.pangritz@vegan4future.de
Website: https://vegan4future.de/
Country: Deutschland
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 20
Social Entrepreneurship Association
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Actively promote overland travel for long distance journeys – e.g. the Green Silk Road
- Reward those who pledge to fly less with crypto currency
- Air travel emission reduction goals
Measures that will be implemented
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- Organise travel to events with activities on the way, so long distance travel is made interesting and relevant
Considered measures
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation - Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
Contact person: Gijs Spoor; ika.spoor@gmail.com
Country: India
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 7
Seas At Risk
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a day (general practice)
- The « commute » to the Brussels based office from staff in the UK and Portugal is done by train (this may change with the disruption of the night train from Portugal).
- We plan to develop a travel policy applicable to all staff and our member organisations/individuals that request reimbursement of their travel to our events.
- We provide our staff with a subscription to public transport for their commute to the office.
Measures that will be implemented
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
Considered measures
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
Website: https://seas-at-risk.org/
Country: Belgium
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 13
Type of organisation: Research facility
Implemented measures:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban of flights for journeys under 750 km
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
See their Travel Policy here and their Overall GHG Mitigation Policy here (in English).
Contact Person: Mara Werkman; mara@profundo.nl
Website: http://www.profundo.nl
Country: Netherlands
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 15

Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Employees who travel frequently are provided with a Bahncard 50.
Website: https://germanwatch.org/de
Country: Germany
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 54
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
- Concrete air travel emission reduction goals
Website: https://www.eauc.org.uk
Country: United Kingdom
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 10
ÖKOBÜRO - Allianz der Umweltbewegung
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Ban of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below 8 hours
- For journeys over 8h, the choice of train or bus is also recommended if restful sleep is possible on the night train or efficient work is possible due to few changeovers and good internet connection.
Website: https://www.oekobuero.at/
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 5,5
Plattform Footprint
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
- We do not fly! Except if we can save significantly more CO2 with our trip by plane through measures taken than a flight (incl. RFI) would cause.
Considered measures
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
Contact person: Michael Schwingshackl; michael.schwingshackl@footprint.at
Website: https://www.footprint.at
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 3

Type of organisation: grassroots NGO
Implemented measures: No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
Contact person: Toni Cottee; bigg-les@riseup.net
Website: https://www.risingtide.org.uk
Country: United Kingdom
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 1
akaryon GmbH
Type of organisation: Business
Implemented measures
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- As many business trips as possible without flights; only those routes are flown that could not be managed any other way (virtually or on the ground).
Measures that will be implemented by January 2022
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
Considered measures:
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
Contact person: Vera Besse; besse@akaryon.com
Website: https://akaryon.com/
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 12
Das Gute Ruft
Type of organisation: Business
Implemented measures: We have a No Flight Policy.
Website: https://dasguteruft.de/
Country: Germany
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 2

Type of organisation: Other
Implemented measures: No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
Website: https://klimakollektiv.org/de/
Country: Germany
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 7
Attac Austria

Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
There is no written travel policy, but generally we avoid flights wherever reasonable.
It is not often that the question of air travel arises for us. Air travel is not an issue for travel within Austria anyway, and we also travel to neighbouring countries by train when necessary.
In an international exchange project taking place in Spain, we recently clarified the options for train travel and are very confident that the activists will also choose this option (as soon as travel is possible again ;).
Contact person: Wilhelm Zwirner; wilhelm.zwirner@attac.at
Website: https://attac.at
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalents): 5
Green Camel Bell

Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
Measures that are considered
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
Contact person: Zhong Zhao; zzhongcn@gmail.com
Website: http://www.gcbcn.org
Country: China
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 4
Implemented measures:
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
- All business trips are carried out on the ground. Travel by train and public transport have priority; business trips by car are also permitted in exceptional cases. In principle, CO2 emissions should be as low as possible.
Website: https://www.robinwood.de/
Country: Germany
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 12
Bürgerinitiative für die Reduzierung der Belastungen des Luftverkehrs - Hamburg | Schleswig-Holstein

Type of organisation: Other
Implemented measures:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation(info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
Measures that will be implemented by December 2021
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
Contact person: Franz Luett; info@baw-fluglaerm.de
Website: https://www.baw-fluglaerm.de
Country: Germany
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
Website: http://www.ethik-labor.ch
Country: Schweiz
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 1
Friends of the Earth Finland

Type of organisation: NGO
Already implemented
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
Measures that will be implemented
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- No flights, all travel takes place on the ground
Contact person: Tove Selin
Email address: tove.selin@maanystavat.fi
Website: https://www.maanystavat.fi
Country: Finland
Type of organisation: Business
Implemented measures:
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business flights
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
Measures that will be implemented:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
Website: http://www.planetYES.com
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 2
VCÖ - Mobilität mit Zukunft
Implemented measures
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
Measures that will be implemented
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
Website : http://www.vcoe.at
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 15
Creative Carbon Scotland

Type of organisation: Other
Implemented measures
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Concrete air travel emission reduction goals
- Land/overground travel where possible. Otherwise remote attendance.
See their travel policy here.
Contact person: Katherine Denney; kd@creativecarbonscotland.com
Website: https://www.creativecarbonscotland.com
Country: United Kingdom
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 8

Type of organisation: NGO
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Concrete air travel emission reduction goals
- We don’t travel by plane at all, and emissions are a key consideration for our travel choices. We also run the Climate Perks scheme, which allows companies to give their staff additional paid holiday days to travel without flying.
Contact person: Alethea, Warrington; alethea.warrington@wearepossible.org
Website: https://www.wearepossible.org/
Country: United Kingdom
Protect Our Winters Austria
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Protect Our Winters Austria operates exclusively within Europe and has not yet used any flights
Website: http://www.protectourwinters.at
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 1
Salvia EDM

Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Concrete air travel emission reduction goals
Contact person: Carlos Bravo; carlos.bravo@salvia-edm.eu
Country: Spain
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 1
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…) - Obligatory form and travel decision tree to justify air travel
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below 8 hours
- We encourage people to combine business trips that require flying so they can visit (for example) two African countries at once.
- We have told the Board we will let them know each Board meeting whether our flights are going up or going down.
- We do not think that offsetting works, but we are considering creating a fund which we pay into each time we fly so as to increase the price of flying.
- Air travel reduction goals
Travel policy: Fern Travel Policy
Considered measures:
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
Contact: Richard Wainwright, richard@fern.org
Website: http://www.fern.org
Country: Belgium
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 18

Type of organisation: NGO
Name of organisation: Platform
Implemented measures
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance
- Supporting longer stays where realistic, to make slow travel more feasible. Employees who must travel long distances are encouraged to stay for an extended period of time enabling slower travel with reduced frequency.
- Any flights require approval at a Monthly Meeting.
Email address of contact person: info@platformlondon.org
Website: https://platformlondon.org/
Country: United Kingdom
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 10
Ecologistas en Accíon

Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Concrete air travel emission reduction goals
Measures that will be implemented
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
Considered measures
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
Contact person: Pablo Muñoz Nieto; aviacion@ecologistasenaccion.org
Website: https://www.ecologistasenaccion.org/
Country: España
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 15
Umanotera, the Slovenian foundation for sustainable development
Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below 10 hours of travel time
Measures that are being considered:
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
See Umanotera’s overall GHG mitigation policy (in Slovenian) here.
Contact person: Jonas Sonnenschein, jonas@umanotera.org
Website: https://umanotera.org
Country: Slovenia
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 5
Flight Free Australia
Implemented measures:
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Disincentives for air travel bonus miles
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the numberof inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Air travel emission reduction goals: 100% reduction
Website: https://flightfree.net.au
Country: Australia
Alofa Tuvalu

Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Air travel emission reduction goals
- Cut travels to Tuvalu to 0 since 2012. Although before when doing these travels we made sure we stayed several months on location to amortize.
Website: http://www.alofatuvalu.tv/
Country: France
Bristol Airport Action Network
Implemented measures:
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Air travel emission reduction goals
Contact Person: Stephen Clarke, s.clarke@btinternet.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Bristol-Airport-Action-Network-BAAN-109098207105136/
Country: United Kingdom
Number of staff (full time equivalents): 2
Global Forest Coalition
Implemented measures:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound traveling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- GFC is constantly assessing how we can reduce flights including through continuous assessments and internal discussions on events’ relevant to our work, on how to combine different meetings (including internal meetings, capacity building, intergovernmental), sending GFC staff based in the region, exploring new ways and tools to facilitate online participation when possible, etc.
Contact person: Coraina de Plaza coraina.delaplaza@globalforestcoalition.org
Website: https://globalforestcoalition.org/
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 12
National Forum for Advocacy, Nepal
Implemented measures:
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
Measures that will be implemented:
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
Contact Person: Bhola Bhattarai, nafannepal8@gmail.com
Website: http://www.nafan.org.np
Country: Nepal
Number of staff (full time equivalents): 8
Stay Grounded

Type of organisation: NGO
Implemented measures
- Ban of all flights for employees
- No payment of flights by partners/experts etc.
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Organize « non-flight » events, calling for participants to join by grounded travel or online
Contact person: Magdalena Heuwieser; magdalena@stay-grounded.org
Website: https://stay-grounded.org
Country: Austria
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 2,5

University of Sheffield
Implemented measures:
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
Measures that will be implemented
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable: ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights for journeys under a certain distance (e.g.: no flights allowed under 1.000 km, to nearby cities, within country or continent)
- Executive level ownership of sustainable business travel agenda
- Development and publication of institutional sustainable travel principles
- Commitment to embed sustainable travel principles across University procedures and guidance
Measures that are being considered
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
- Internal CO₂ budget or limit for the number of inter-continental, continental or domestic flights per person/unit/organisation
Website: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/
Country: United Kingdom
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 8000
University of Neuchâtel
Type of organisation: University
Implemented measures:
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- Incentives for grounded travel (e.g. train/bus travel is reimbursed even if more expensive than flights, price reduction on train travel tickets)
- If flights are unavoidable : ban or limit of indirect or business class flights
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation (based on the calculator of myclimate; see more here in French)
- Public individual commitment by scientists to grounded travel practices (see more here in French)
Contact Person: Jean-Marie Grether, jean-marie.grether@unine.ch
Website: http://www.unine.ch/unine/home.html
Country: Switzerland
Number of staff (full time equivalent): 750
See the detailed travel policy in French here.
Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)
- Type of organisation: University department
Implemented measures
- Regular data collection and reporting of plane trips and their GHG emissions
- Awareness raising about travel emissions within the organisation (info events, fact sheets,…)
- Travel decision tree that requires to justify travel emissions
- When planning events in Europe, consideration of their good reachability by ground-bound travelling for European guests
- Ban or limit of flights to destinations which can be reached by ground-bound alternatives below a certain time (e.g. 6 hours)
Measures that will be implemented until January 2022
- Virtual meeting facilities and learning platforms available and regularly used by all employees, technical support and training
- Internal carbon prices that make plane trips more expensive within the organisation
Contact Person: Wim Carton
Website: http://lucsus.lu.se
Country: Sweden
Number of staff (full-time equivalent): 40